Hello, ladies! Happy Monday.
So today, I wanted to speak to you about the importance of confident body language, especially on Zoom. Sometimes we forget that your body language is just as important on Zoom as much as it is in person.
So what I would like to encourage you to do this week is to pay attention to a few things that are actually going to buoy up your sense of confidence but also give you so much stronger credibility and authority as you are speaking on Zoom. And this is especially for you if you are in meetings a lot on Zoom.
Laptop Height = Confident Body Language

So the way you want to do it is, first of all, make sure your laptop is more like eye level to the camera as opposed to looking down and you’re hovering over the laptop.
Good Lighting = Professional, Friendly & Inviting

The second thing is, make sure you have enough lighting on your face so that it doesn’t look like you’re in some sort of a dark room and you are backlit in a way that’s very unattractive.
SIDE NOTE: I once overheard my sister in meeting with her colleagues, as they interviewed a candidate for a position. In between the Zoom interviews, they’d debrief with each other. After one candidate, they noticed how good the lighting had been in the candidate’s office. It left them feeling much more connected with that candidate. They had looked professional & friendly, purely from the lighting. My sister’s colleagues even started checking their own lighting to make sure it was bright enough. Lighting in Zoom meetings makes a huge difference to your credibility and approachability.
Smile and Be Present As Soon As The Camera Is On

The third thing is, make sure you smile as soon as you get on camera. This is not the place for you to look glum or to look like you’re distracted in any way. Make that place of contact as soon as the camera comes on as your way of welcoming someone into your space and you looking composed and ready.
Gestures Bring Your Words To Life

And the last thing is, use your palms as much as possible because it conveys your confidence when you do.
Make sure your hands are visible in some moments of your Zoom meetings. It makes you look more alive and engaged in the discussion. It makes your speaking more dynamic, especially on camera where things can be sedate.
Praying For You
I’m going to just pray for you quickly so that your week goes well. Father, I just thank you that throughout this whole week, every woman on this who’s watching this video feels their sense of confidence and authority rising as they use their body language to their advantage.
I pray for all of their meetings that there is so much power and connection as they speak. Thank you Father for giving them a voice of influence every time they’re speaking in all of the meetings and presentations they have this week.
And I just thank you Father for blessing all of their work, whether it’s in their business or in their career. We just thank you for each and every woman in this room, and we thank you for blessing them throughout this week in the name of Jesus.
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