When & How To Use A Charged Tone of Voice
Learn how to use a charged tone of voice to speak confidently and more persuasively. It’s a simple tweak that’ll add more credibility to your speaking.
So today, I wanted to continue on the discussion of the tone of voice and what kind of tone of voice to use for different situations.
Well, today, I wanted to talk to us about a charged tone of voice and when to use it.
A charged tone of voice is one that sounds strong & is very sure of itself. And usually that’s going to be really useful in a situation where you are expressing something passionate.
Express Conviction About Something

You are convicted about something and you believe in something and you are saying it with a sure voice of “I know what I’m saying and I believe in what I’m saying”.
So a charged tone of voice is going to be useful when you’re expressing conviction or passion about something.
Uplift People

The second place to use that charged tone of voice is when you’re encouraging someone. Sometimes you want to just move someone emotionally. Maybe they’re not feeling quite good about themselves and you come along and you say to them, no.
You are more than capable of doing this. This is you using a charged voice that is not necessarily “rah rah”, but still has a sense of you moving that person and allowing them to see things from your perspective.
How To Use A Charged Tone of Voice

So how do you use a charged voice? Where does your charged voice come from?
It comes from you believing in what you are actually saying. It’s going to be really hard to sound convincing if you don’t believe in the things that you’re saying.
So as much as you, always connect with why this matters to you & why it’s also important for the people you’re speaking to, everytime you’re expressing your thoughts.
Your voice will become naturally persuasive and influential, every time you express your thoughts.
Example of a Charged Tone of Voice

So if someone, for example, came up to me and said, Brenda, I’m never going to get this public speaking right. I cannot seem to be able to do it. I guess I’m just one of those people who’s never going to be good at public speaking.
“No way. I am not going to stand for that. I would immediately tell them that’s rubbish. There is no way that you have been given a beautiful voice and are not going to be able to be a good public speaker. You have it in you to be that. It just takes some time, some practice, the right skills to know how to speak and you will become that impactful speaker who is going to move other people’s lives; and affect them positively.”
Can you just see the conviction I used in my voice right there? It’s because I believe in it!
So the best place to start if you want to have a charged voice is to believe in what you’re saying and just allow your emotion to show and everything else will just work out in its place.
Believe in What You’re Saying

So the best place to start is to just believe in what you’re saying. Your emotions will show and the power of your voice will just be naturally filled with that sense of conviction and passion that you wanted to have.
So go ahead and try it this week, ladies. You’re going to be in situations where perhaps you do need to have that voice that shows you believe in what you’re saying.
So take advantage of it. Use this powerful charged voice and allow people to see that you truly believe in what you’re saying. And you’re going to be amazed by how much it’s going to move them and allow them to believe in you as you are speaking. So let me just pray for you.
Praying For You
Father, thank you for these glorious ladies who are listening to this this week. Thank you Father for the situations that they’re going to be in, where they are going to use their powerful charged voice and how much it’s going to move people in a positive way.
And I just thank you Father that as they use it in that it they might even be surprised by how much of an effect it has on them and other people.
And I thank you Father for the confidence that it’s building in them as they speak with that voice of conviction.
So bless them throughout this whole week. Thank you for the authority in their voice, for the care in their voice, and the power in their voice as they speak.
And I thank you, Father, for blessing their work and all of their businesses in the name of Jesus.
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