how i serve you

Speaking Confidence That Elevates You & Your Listeners.

I help you, the business & professional woman, who has been frustrated with how she is speaking, become a bold & dynamic speaker who owns the room. 

You'll now stand out as a clear confident & articulate speaker who skillfully gets her message across. 

While enjoying connecting with the people, whose lives she'd like to impact.

And gets promoted and grows her business.   

You want to be finally awakened to
who you truly are.
See yourself as amazing and not be afraid to show it.
You want to be free to be your best self, in every area of your life!

You are a talented & conscientious professional & businesswoman, who has been frustrated with your lack of confidence, nervousness when speaking, scattered thoughts, self-doubt, feeling judged & invisibility.

You no longer want to hold yourself back, hiding, questioning your worth and the validity of their ideas.

You want to overcome your negative thoughts & finally live in your brilliance (gifts/talents, vision & your God-given worth), without apologizing for it.

What’s amazing is, when we start working on your actual speaking skills, your voice has already started becoming clearer & carrying a natural authority.

All because you now believe in yourself.

After equipping you with effective tools to speak clearly, coherently and captivatingly in prepared & impromptu talks, your articulate voice emerges.

Along with the valuable keys to truly connecting & engaging with your audience.

You shine as an empowered and eloquent speaker whose speaking has become her biggest strength instead of a distressing weakness.

You are now thriving as a recognized, respected & promoted leader who stands out everywhere for her confidence & true voice.

This is what's possible for you!

public speaking done differently

You are amazing
& it's time the world knew it!

I believe that public speaking is about a positive connection with yourself and positive connection with your audience. 

So my approach to coaching you to become a captivating speaker, takes who you are, as a crucial component of you developing your speaking confidence. 

It's not just about technique. 

If you were to do that, you'd likely speak robotically and tragically, the heart behind your message, along with your beautiful personality, would be lost. 

Leaving little room for people to connect with you as the warm, relatable & self-assured speaker, you'd like to be. 

So, we focus on bringing out the best in you first, so that you actually feel good about yourself, before learning the principles of speaking articulately.  

Then, of course, we go through my formula for speaking articulately, step-by-step.

And you'll come out being a clear, organized & impactful speaker who loves speaking & engaging with people.

Armed with these two important elements, you'll find yourself sharing your ideas clearly, building meaningful business relationships & even volunteering to give that next presentation!

Ways to Work Together

1-ON-1 Speaking Confidence Coaching

A bespoke & comprehensive speaking confidence experience.  Includes confidence discovery & speaking skills training that is custom-tailored specifically to you & your career goals.  

journey >

Presentation Strategy

Purely presentation strategy without personal development that is laser focused on making your talk as outstanding as possible and making you the most captivating speaker you can be.

strategy >

Presentation Mastery

Online LIVE group presentation coaching that will equip you to be a clear, coherent & enticing presenter.  Spring cohort to be announced.  Join the waiting list below.

join the list >

1-ON-1 speaking confidence

A comprehensive & personalized approach to growing your unique confidence & speaking skills

This is a bespoke public speaking journey that brings out your full confidence, gives you boldness, authority &
all the powerful speaking tools to express your ideas intelligently & clearly.

This dynamic & personalized 12 week Intensive coaching program will finally take the guess work out of eliminating negative thoughts, unveil your specific brilliance & train you to be confident everyday. 

You'll be deeply trained in speaking clearly, coherently & compellingly. 

And be fully equipped with the right steps to giving engaging impromptu & prepared speeches. 

You'll be primed for any occasion.  And finally be excited to speak before any audience - big or small.

tell me more
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3 payments 0f

Your Investment Into Your Speaking Confidence:


You want to grow your confidence specifically through God's eyes. 
You also want a thorough step-by-step system to speaking brilliantly & confidently.




Give intelligent, organized and exhilarating talks that resonate deeply with your listeners.


You're not necessarily afraid of public speaking.  But you want a winning strategy to give effective & memorable presentations. 

If overwhelm, procrastination and disappointment have affected your approach to presentation preparation,
I equip you with the best & most effective steps to crafting captivating speeches.

After coaching together, you'll now know how to hook your audience from the word go, keep them enticed throughout your talk & leave them wanting more when you're finished.

You'll finally have the satisfaction of knowing that you said what you wanted to say, how you wanted to say it and it moved your audience deeply.

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2 paymentS of 

Your Investment Into Your Speaking Confidence Is:



I believe that:

“public speaking should free you to be your best self and speak to connect not impress.”

- brenda chadambura

Many people have died with brilliant ideas they couldn’t bring forth to light due to this same fear that had held me for years!

I knew it was time to make a change since I didn’t want to die with everything in me that I was scared to speak about.

I knew I couldn’t do it on my own, so I reached out to Brenda.

She made me realize that everything I needed to be a good speaker was already within my reach.

She made me come to terms with my fears, vulnerabilities and insecurities.

All of these she did so effortlessly and with so much love.
It didn’t happen overnight. It’s a journey 
I have come to embrace and love.

Looking back at where I was and where I’m currently at, I would say that my confidence level has skyrocketed and
I am not even exaggerating!

I was recently at a zoom meeting,
which I moderated and the reviews were mind-blowing!

If you can relate with my story and wish to commence your journey to being an eloquent and confident speaker, then you already know what to do.

Reach out to Brenda and thank me later!

will it WORK for you?

real results

delaila's story

“One of the surprise opportunities that came up almost immediately after our last session was, I received two emails from potential investors!“

 Just applying everything that you helped me uncover, brought on new opportunities…almost immediately!

“I was able to reconnect with past colleagues.  Being open to collaborate and support each other in way I would have been afraid to do before.”

“You helped me just be myself…unapologetically be myself”

- Delaila A. - Physical Therapy Practice Owner

maria's story

“I love teaching. There is something amazing about being able to share a concept with another person. I was great at teaching one individual.

However, I needed help in giving a talk to an audience. I was overwhelmed: my presentation lacked focus and did not engage the audience.

I sought Brenda’s help because I wanted to be a better teacher and speaker.“

Brenda helped me specifically prepare a speech for hospital management.

My work with Brenda resulted in a clear speech that impressed the hospital management and engaged the audience.

The success with this talk influenced my subsequent talks. I attained tools to help me prepare and deliver excellent talks. I currently am preparing 3 talks for the medical community.

There are at least two significant benefits I have attained from working with Brenda. My financial bonus and promotion came as a direct result of providing these presentations.

 I also am truly satisfied: I love teaching, and now I have the tools to be a better teacher.

Anybody can check out google or read self-help books about how to get better at public speaking. I have those books and it’s not the same!

Brenda’s guidance through the whole process made the difference.

 Brenda is so encouraging, warm and present. Her insight brought out the best in my participation in the process. Her enthusiasm to help me improve my work, was wonderful.

I am so thankful for this investment I made for my life and my career!

- Maria - Medical Professional

zita's story

“I was that tongue-tied back bencher who was full of ideas but just couldn’t vocalize them!
No I didn’t have any speech defects.
I was just constantly scared of words coming out the wrong way, scared of being criticized…
simply put, I lacked confidence!“

- Zita N. - Physician


Can public speaking really grow my self-confidence?


Is public speaking only for those naturally good at it?


Should I copy other speakers to become good at speaking?

Will public speaking help in my career growth?


are you ready?

LET'S DO it together!

I can't wait to help you uncover your USP... unique speaking position.
Connect with me below and we'll begin mapping out your best speaking confidence journey together.



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